The moral calculations of a billionaire - Astukari Newsletter #90
🔨What I’ve Been Making
So this past biweek was… weird. On the 7th I started experiencing stomach pains and a fever, which I initially chalked up to be some sort of bad stomach flu. Then, suddenly, on the 9th, the stomach pains and fever went away… and the abdominal pain began. I didn’t know what was happening, I just knew it wasn’t good.
I lasted about two hours that morning until I had to go to the ER.
Surprise — I had appendicitis! Worse, it was a rupture, which means it isn’t a nice “oh we’ll just take the thing out and you’ll be back the next day” and more of a “we’re going to put you out of commission for a few weeks and also attach a drainage bag which goes deep into your stomach and takes out infected fluid” (about as pleasant as that sounds). Well, the good news is that it is now the 18th, I am drainage bag-less once more (you do NOT want to know how it feels getting that thing removed) and am on a swift road to recovery. However — and you could probably guess this based on how it’s taken over this section — it means I have done pretty much jack shit this biweek. Whoops. I hope you at least enjoy the readings!
📚What I’ve Been Reading
Mir4 is a bizarre crypto-mine masquerading as a dated MMORPG